Always unbiased and not afraid to make the hard calls, Bozo even once dared to call Captain Courageous Robbie Scarlett for a 'deliberate out of bounds' in a game up at Nagoya after Robbie had kicked it 30 meters out from the boundary. It drew vicious outcry from his Goannas brethren and Bozo may have lost a friend or two over it, but more importantly the hard-headed ump has maintained his strong stance even to this day saying "Rob only had one thing on his mind and he knows it".
Later that year after a torrid run of results on-field, Bozo put his hand up to MC the prestigious Goannas Black Tie Ball. Being the only Goannas bachelor at the time, the well-spoken whistle-blower charmed the pants off quite a few that evening including Evan Kerr who hasn't gone a day without texting him or wearing a flowery shirt ever since.
Then 2014 came and Bozo decided enough was enough. The on-field side of things needed some direction. Putting his hand up to become senior coach, Bozo went about designing the Goannas first ever pre-season program based around cardio. There was some back-lash at first because such things involved actually putting in effort and wasn't much fun. However, the results spoke for themselves and the Goannas found themselves back in contention and making the finals.
As one player spoke about the grueling training sessions that got the team to that point, "Bozo was making us do bumping drills one day at training using his backpack as the bump pad. Little did we know that in the front pocket of his backpack was a pair of scissors. I think the philosophy behind this was if you could crash into a pair of sharp scissors, you could crash into a pack on gameday".
Alas, the Goannas fell short on the biggest day by a few goals after leading through the first half. It was bitter disappointment for all involved and whilst most were drowning their sorrows back at the Hobgoblin, coach Bozo was busy plotting his next move.
That was to now shore up the off-field side of business. Relinquishing his role as head coach to firebrand Gordon Jones, Bozo put his hand up and was voted in as the Goannas next President. It was then he made it known in no uncertain terms that he lived at the Prudential Towers in glitzy Akasaka.
In tandem coach and Prez went about consolidating the team further and brought in new recruits that would take the Goannas to the next level, among them the Goannas first Japanese players in quite a few years Hiro Masuda and Yuji 'Yoooooj' Yamamoto.
All of a sudden, the Goannas had one of the largest squads they have ever had, and on-field started to dominate games again. The turn-around was almost complete. As one observer said, "I think the one thing that Bozo brought the Goannas was a sense of reward for action. He had control of the finances too so if the players didn't perform they got to drink VB. If they did perform they got Crownies. This was a big motivating factor".
In the end the Goannas took out the Japan Cup and the holy grail - beating the Tokyo Bay Suns for the first time in a nail biter to be crowned JAFL Champions. It validated Bozo's two-year plan he put in place in 2014, and history writes him as the defining figure in the Goannas rebirth.
Having achieved all that he hoped, Bozo promptly said goodbye to the fast lane that is JAFL football, proposed to his partner, and hopped on the next plane to try out his luck somewhere in Africa.
The club will miss many things about Bozo including the ability to line up outside Prudential Towers for free law consultation and document signing.
All the best from the Goannas fraternity and return soon.